FW: [BBC] BBC World Service – E-mail from a Friend

> —–Original Message—–
> From: royall@conchbbs.com [mailto:royall@conchbbs.com]
> Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2008 15:32
> To: royall@conchbbs.com
> Subject: [BBC] BBC World Service – E-mail from a Friend
> This email has been sent to you [royall@conchbbs.com] on Sun Dec 28 21:31:40
> 2008.
> Scott Royall [royall@conchbbs.com] thought this story might interest you.
> Please view the story "BBC World Service" here:
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/documentaries/2008/12/081222_2many_santas.shtml?
> s
> The e-mail has come with the following message:
> "A truly interesting view of Christmas."
> ——————————————————————————
> BBC World Service: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice
> The BBC accepts no responsibility for this email. This email is generated by
> a request on
> the BBC webserver. If you were not expecting this email, please forward it
> to
> webweaver@bbc.co.uk including all headers from the email.

What I do for fun

Military.com – Tell A Friend



From: Scott Royall [mailto:royall@conchbbs.com]
Sent: Friday, December 26, 2008 14:55
To: royall@conchbbs.com
Subject: royall@conchbbs.com has sent you a page!






Dear royall@conchbbs.com,


Scott Royall has sent you the following page from Military.com.


Nothing I haven’t done in simulated combat. You get real creative when a MiG 29 has taken an interest in you.

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On Christmas

The sad truth is that Christmas is for kids. At least with the way Americans do it. It has become all about the loot, with very little “goodwill to all” that I seem to remember. Illusion perhaps, but I recall a broader focus. Of course, I also recall we were mercenary little suckers with plenty of Matt Mason space hardware, Hot Wheels, Tonka Toys, and even a pair of M-16s. Mattel had to love us.

RE: BSOD error

BSOD error

Your people
reached the same conclusion I did. Too bad there’s just one set of
drivers available.


Have a wonderful
holiday. See you in ’09.


Richard_Bernier@Dell.com [mailto:Richard_Bernier@Dell.com]
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2008 14:39
To: royall@conchbbs.com
Subject: BSOD error


Here what my co-worker pulled
up so far.







like main theory is Intel wireless driver causes it.  Rolling back or
updating it fixes.  May be other causes though.”


I will be
gone until Friday of next week so I will not reply back until then. 

Have a great Holiday and
New Year Mr. Royall!


Richard Bernier
Communities & Conversations

Dell Inc.
800-822-8965 Ext. 726-8859 | Richard_Bernier@dell.com

twitter? You can contact me right

my blogs at

Doing good or needing improvement, either way you can contact my


I suppose I’m doing ok.


I have something I want you to research inside Dell. The subject
of this message, 0xDEADDEAD, is a special BSOD (blue screen of death) stop code
in Vista that MSDN claims can only be triggered intentionally. Apparently, it
is tripped via a specific system call, and is basically meant to halt a Windows
box so that an external hardware-level debugger can poke around inside.
Theoretically, this stop code is only available if it has been enabled in the


Well, theory is apparently wrong, because I’ve seen
0xDEADDEAD three times in recent memory on my M1530, and I didn’t enable
it. A quick Internet search turned up at least one M1550 user who’s
experiencing the same thing. One theory is that Intel left debug code active in
their wireless drivers. Could be, but how and why is it being enabled?


I realize the boys and girls in the laptop department
don’t tell you much, but please try anyway. I didn’t see any
reports from non-Dell users, at least not recently.


This topic will go on my blog, since other people are being affected.


Richard_Bernier@Dell.com [mailto:Richard_Bernier@Dell.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 08:08
To: royall@conchbbs.com
Subject: RE: 0xDEADDEAD


Mr. Royall,


Hello!  Yes, I am here until Friday then I will be gone for
the holidays.  Please tell me, how are you doing?


Best regards,

Richard Bernier
Dell Communities & Conversations
Dell Inc.
800-822-8965 Ext. 726-8859 | Richard_Bernier@dell.com
Doing good or needing improvement, either way you can contact my

From: Scott Royall
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 5:49 PM
To: Bernier, Richard
Subject: 0xDEADDEAD


Are you

On Loneliness

I haven’t been posting much lately because I don’t have a lot to add. Almost seven years have elapsed since Shell laid me off, and my struggle to even win interviews has already been documented here. I hate boring people with the same old thing. And, on the Xpress It front, the situation is that any further development will probably be solely personal, because I can find no real interest in the rehab community where it would have to exist as a product. There’s a saying that perception is reality, and the AAC community clearly perceives that the current offerings are “good enough.” My own experience says otherwise, but they don’t see it that way. Unfortunately, I simply don’t have the finances to campaign to change that perception.

So I have to admit that there are days when finding a reason to get out of bed is a challenge. I’ve been out of the IT industry long enough that I can’t even do volunteer work if I wanted to. Yes, I could knock the rust off, but no employer would wait for that to happen. A former friend warned me that I’d be lost without a job, and she was right. Not that I’m the type to do volunteer work; I believe that career-related skills warrant some compensation, but that can come in many forms.

In any event, what I want to talk about today is the loneliness that comes with a “severe” disability. I could get annoyingly extenstential and observe that loneliness is a part of the human condition. True, but having a severe disability, especially one that compromises communication, will make loneliness just about a constant. Curiously, I have been contacted by several women seeking better AAC for their disabled sons. During the ensuing conversations, it came out that these moms were really trying to decide if it was better to prepare their sons for reality or try to somehow provide for the future so the child never needs to face the world. I dodge the question somewhat if I’m asked for an opinion, because I can’t fault these mothers for wanting to protect their children. However, the truth is that even the most basic care is so expensive over a lifetime that a huge pile of money would be needed to give the person any independence without them earning any income. The sad fact is that most severely disabled live in so-called “group homes” under the supervision of caregivers. That’s not living in my opinion, only existence.

I don’t know how a verbally-impaired person with at least minimal mental function could get through life without battling loneliness. I held a salaried position in a major corporation outside the medical/rehab field for 14 years, and have been married twice. That says you can at least get that far, but going further, especially in intimate relations, is quite difficult. The other person in the relationship is forced to come to terms with all the ramifications of the disability. This is what basically killed my first marriage, and I still miss my first wife. Inside, I am a normal guy with all the usual needs, but I have come to realize in the past few years that I don’t have enough to offer to a woman—for example—to offset the hassles of my disability.

Having said that, I would still have to tell the mothers I mentioned earlier that they really can’t protect their children from the struggles of life. There was a recent episode of Law & Order that dealt with a twist in one family’s efforts to manage the future of their disabled daughter. They basically wanted to preserve her as “our little angel” by removing her sex organs and any other body parts related to maturation. Now, I didn’t get much detail on the extent of the 9-year-old’s disability, but it stands to reason that, if she had enough mental function to respond to her parents, she would still be extremely lonely if she outlived them. In other words, you really can’t shield children from everything. It is probably a better idea to equip them as well as possible to deal with life’s challenges. Yes, that might include having Xpress It.

Now, I just heard that astronomers are needing volunteer help in processing some data. Let me see what that’s about.

RE: deer pics

Kodak HTML Email

Well, these
pictures bring up something that I deliberately edited out of a previous
message to Jim so I may as well address it. I originally omitted my comments
because they largely were meaningless to someone with Jim’s experience. If
you’re an ex-SEAL sniper, there’s almost no doubt where your rounds are going.
However, how many hunters can really say that honestly? Never mind the
beer-guzzlers who can’t see straight, I’m talking about the guys who mean
well but lack the discipline required for accuracy in the field. Being a good
marksman at a shooting range is just a start. A couple of things make me
ambivalent toward deer hunting in general: 


there’s no doubt that culling is necessary. (I often feel that humanity could
stand some serious culling also, but I digress.) Yet, leaving the target
selection up to amateur hunters seems dubious to me even if we assume that
hunting is the most effective and humane method. There doesn’t seem to be a lot
of hunting in modern deer hunting.  Too often the hunter is
semi-comfortably waiting in a blind near a feeder for a deer he likes to come
along. That seems more of a "deer-shoot" to me.  Mind you, if
Jim tells me he tracked this buck in his gillie suit for 48 hours non-stop, I
must say, "Bravo Zulu sniper, good shot." Still, the point remains
that most hunters are far less certain to kill humanely while taking more
opportunities to shoot. I think that hunting as a culling tool would best work
in the hands of true pros like Jim.


hunters seem to be working against natural selection. The ideal target deer,
according to most hunters, is a huge buck with a billion points. The irony is,
that’s probably the most biologically healthy specimen. True, the buck
below may be old and infirm, but it’s hard to tell. Natural selection
would be to shoot the old and sick, but who wants to do that? It wouldn’t
be “manly,” and therein lies the problem. Unlike say, duck hunting,
which does work to help those species, deer hunting is more closely tied to manliness.
Sigmund Freud would likely have a field day analyzing that link, especially
since it involves high-power rifles. Hmm.


Wild hogs are a
whole other enchilada. They remind me of the NVA in that they are insidious,
destructive, and at least somewhat dangerous. I keep expecting Jim to come up
on the air screaming one evening: “I have pigs in the wire [his fence],
PIGS in the WIRE! I need IMMEDIATE air support! Over.”


As a postscript
to the above, my father used to be a serious deer hunter. But, even before
Macular Degeneration ended his hunting days, he started to lose his zeal for
the sport. He was also a veterinarian, and I guess the kills lost their thrill.


From: kb5ziv@rionet.coop
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 18:14
To: elgato1940@comcast.net; wd5jvu@satx.rr.com; k5wid@mac.com;
meeks.mark@sbcglobal.net; mfp@cableone.net; N5BTM@aol.com; sammy@tconline.net;
royall@conchbbs.com; sixteenship@comcast.net; wk5r@wk5r.org;
cajunlizz0315@cox.net; kb5ziv@rionet.coop
Subject: deer pics



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